Emily Santana was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. Her love of animals began at a young age - caring for her family pets, learning how to leash train dogs, teaching verbal commands, and learning what it meant to be responsible for the life of another being. Her passion for animal welfare has followed her into adulthood leading her to volunteer at various shelters, fostering animals, rescuing her own pets, and advocating for all animals. In her volunteer experiences, she's learned that many people relinquish their pets because they are overwhelmed and don't have the proper resources and information. Her goal in starting Pals with Jowls was to provide an affordable way to assist with the varying demands that come with owning a pet. She has experience with animals who pose a flight-risk, who are aggressive or anxiety-prone, medically fragile, and elderly. Her patience runs deep - as deep as her determination to find a reasonable solution to any issue that may arise in providing the services your pet deserves!